Friday 7 August 2009

The Power of Natural Healing

NEW! The Power of Natural Healing, article by Caroline Taylor, Wellbeing Life Coach.
Read the full article at

Steroids-a Nutritional Perspective

NEW! Article by Sarah Twomlow Dip ONT MBANT Optimum Nutrition Consultant.
Check out the full article by going to

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Articles Needed - calling Health/ Beauty/ Fitness experts, business owners and students!

If you are an expert in the health/ beauty/ fitness industry then we need to hear from you!

We are building up the content for our new website - The Health and Beauty Writer - and we need articles on your favourite health and beauty topics.

All published articles will obviously be credited to you, with your company name (if you have one) and you can earn a Premier listing in our Business Directory, worth £10.

If you would like to submit an article for consideration, please email it to

(Articles to be over 100 words, no cash alternative)

We look forward to hearing from you!